Leadership and Management: A Comparative Study between Islamic and Conventional Perspective

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Dr. Md Golam Mohiuddin

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Published: 2 June 2020 | Article Type :


Leadership and management processes are very widely studied phenomenon. Leadership plays a significant role in the socio-economic development of a nation. Leadership is the ability of an organization’s administration to make well decisions and encourage others to attain their work. The leadership has created and exhilaration and attention since earliest times. When people think about leadership, dreams of dominant dynamic entities who command conquering armies, shape of the event of nations, enable religions or direct corporate empire come to mind. Good leaders can establish and achieve challenging ideas, to take rapid and crucial action even in demanding situations, to outperform their competition, to take estimated risks and to persevere in case of failure. Leadership includes both emotional and rational side of human capability.

Allah is our creator and management by Islam is to serve Allah as an objective of life. In Islamic Management the purpose of human existence is to obey and fulfill Allah’s commandments and act as the Vicegerent of Allah on earth. In conventional management the purpose of human existence is to utilize natural resources to satisfy one’s needs, wants and desires and to remain happy. This study is important in a way that it has created awareness about the Islamic leadership and management and their influences in the organizational objectives. Nowadays, leadership and management are being considered as a key factor for the success of any organization. The Muslim managers of global business world must possess Islamic leadership skills to survive in the competitive market. In today’s demanding and dynamic leadership requirement, managers who are incompetent in an organization must be willing to constantly upgrade their skills. There is no doubt that continuous efforts to acquire skills will lead a manager to become a successful leader.

Keywords: Leadership, Management, Islamic Management, Islamic Leadership.

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How to Cite


Dr. Md Golam Mohiuddin. (2020-06-02). "Leadership and Management: A Comparative Study between Islamic and Conventional Perspective." *Volume 2*, 2, 23-38